Sunday, February 26, 2012

sweet things

Last week as we dropped Emerson off at school, Charlie called to him out the car door: "I love you, Emsen. Have a good day! I love you whole world!" Be still my heart!

Emerson is just as sweet to Charlie. Today, I overheard the two of them playing. Charlie cried out, "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" Emerson said in a very patient voice, "That's not a nice thing to say. Say 'Oh my goodness' instead." To which Charlie replied, "Oh my gosh!" I don't know where Emerson learned that Gosh isn't nice, but I guess there's something to that.

Then yesterday we visited Emerson's kindergarten class and Charlie got to go to gym class with him. They held hands and ran around together throughout every activity. Emerson held Charlie's feet down so he could attempt sit-ups, and then they switched and Charlie held Emerson's feet. I had to tear them apart so that Charlie and I could leave school. I think they would love it if they were twins and could be together all the time.

Right now I wish I could stop time and hold onto the sweetness of these boys as they are right now to each other. How Charlie wants to do everything that Emerson does, and how Emerson is fine with that. How they play together and draw together and read together. How Emerson teaches Charlie things. One of my greatest wishes is that they can remain close like this throughout their lives. I just love seeing how much they adore each other.

Happy Fat Tuesday! What is the sweetest thing in your life right now?