Then my sister told me about The Kind Diet, a book about eating a more plant-based diet, which is kind to your body, the planet, and animals. The book is written by Alicia Silverstone and a nutritionist. I don't usually get my nutritional advice from actresses, but I have to say she does a really good job of making becoming vegan sound like a fun adventure, and totally possible. To a cheese lover like me, that was a major accomplishment. She's a tried and true foodie and has been a vegan for more than a decade. When we lived in Los Angeles, Ross and I used to frequent the farmer's market and we would see her there a lot, hanging with the farmers. So I know she's the real deal. The book also gets into macrobiotic diet, which maximizes all the benefits.
So I've been doing the vegan thing for almost a month, and I have to say I feel great! The first week was hard, I felt sluggish and grumpy, which she said was to be expected as your body "detoxes". Now I feel full of energy and so bright. I feel fresh, healthy, cruelty-free...better. More alive in many ways, perhaps because the food I'm eating is very much still alive.
I've had much fewer cravings than I expected, and when I do have cravings I indulge in something satisfying and vegan. Usually peanut butter is involved. The hardest part, as with any dietary change, is figuring out the ingredients to have around the house and the go-to recipes. It also has not always been easy to cook for my non-vegan family at the same time, but we're making it work. I've even been able to find a vegan meal at restaurants pretty easily.
Since delving into this project, I've also learned that Bill Clinton is now a vegan for health reasons, as following a plant-based diet has been found to reverse heart disease. I am sure that he also appreciates how his diet greatly reduces his carbon footprint. And Alex Baldwin too has become vegan, and have you seen him lately? He looks amazing.
Some nice benefits I've noticed so far: I enjoy food so much more. I really appreciate a satisfying plate of healthy food, usually grains, beans, and veggies of some sort. And even though it feels like I've been eating non-stop, I've lost the 5 pounds that I've wanted to drop. Bonus!
The best part, I think, is feeling the freedom of living according to my values. The way we treat animals in factory farming, including dairy and egg production, is just plain unethical. I have been a vegetarian on and off, but have never given up dairy or eggs. Since I was consuming it all my life I realize I had been ignoring, to some extent, how sad I was to be supporting such practices. I feel free from that now, and it is a very liberating feeling.
I cannot say that I will always be vegan, but now that I know it is possible and an option when locally-sourced and sustainably raised meat, dairy and eggs are not available. Also, I'm not saying it is for everyone (maybe it is, but I don't feel qualified to say so!) all of the time. I'm eating plenty of vegetables, beans, and grains and taking supplements to make sure I get all of the vitamins and omegas that I need.
And you know what, I feel great!
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