Sunday, March 4, 2012

What do I need right now?

You know those times where everything seems to come together? The theme of the novel you are reading, the magazine article you read, and the TEDx video that your best friend sent you all are sending you things that you are seeking, with messages that weave together into one important lesson? Well, I’m having one of those moments in time and I want to share it with you.

It all began when I made the decision to focus on spiritual growth and being a better, happier person. I also wanted to improve some important relationships in my life.

I decided to make this a priority and let my attention focus on that for a while. Then the lessons just started rolling in.

I was explaining this to a dear friend, telling her that I sent my intention out into the universe, and she stopped me right there. What does that mean to send your intention out into the universe? How exactly do you do that?

Oh, dearheart, I’m so glad you asked. For me, it began with this question:

What do I need in my life right now?

We first need to figure out what we need to bring into our lives. Sometimes it is obvious, we are ill so we must push everything else aside and focus on getting well. But often it is not so clear, and very often we just don't ask ourselves the question, so we get caught up doing what we think we ought to do, what we feel obligated to do, or what others want us to do. There is a lot of noise out there telling us what to do. But often those things distract us from what we really need.

If we quiet down and listen to ourselves, even for two minutes, we will know what it is that we really need.

What I like to do is close my eyes, take some deep breaths, and ask myself, "What is it that I need in my life right now?" Sometimes I think about what I need this week or today, and sometimes I think more long term. The answers usually come pouring in: "I need to rest!" when I'm exhausted but haven't given into it yet. Or "I need to play play play with my little boys!" Or "I need to declutter this house so I can think straight." Or "I really just want to work and write!" My inner voice is ready with the answer almost every time, and usually she adds, "I'm SO glad you finally asked!"

It is a mini-meditation. A check in to see if you are being true to yourself.

The lovely thing about asking yourself what you need is that you get to focus your energy on what you feel like attacking. You aren't forcing yourself to do anything you don't want, and I find that I get so much more done that way. You are just tuning into what you are energized to do.

I am really interested in figuring out how to improve myself and my relationships right now in this moment in time, so I enjoy spending my extra time and energy reading about it and journaling and talking to my dearest friends about what I'm learning. I will ride this wave until it wanes, which it always does.

When I checked in a few weeks ago, I heard a resounding, "I need to work on my relationships and myself. It is time to heal, to grow, to find a centering calm again." And the voice added, "And this might take a while."

So simply by the act of acknowledging that I need to work on my relationships and myself, I put my intention into the universe. And the universe starts delivering what I need. Also, I start focusing more on this, and I give myself permission to put other projects on the back burner for now.

There are some other activities that I do sometimes to be more deliberate about bringing things into my life, like creating a vision board and visualizing what I want to see. I’ll write about that later.

But usually, figuring out what it is that I need is all I have to do to get on track. Check back in tomorrow to read about some of the lessons that came from this.

What about you? How do you keep yourself tuned into what you truly need?

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